Heterostructure Assembly

2D Material Transfer Rigs in Air
2D Material Transfer Rig in Inert Gas

2D Material Transfer Rig in Ultrahigh Vacuum (UHV)
Device Fabrication

Direct-write Optical Lithography (Microtech LW405B)

Mask Aligner for Optical Lithography (SUSS MicroTec MJB4)

Scanning Electron Microscopy & Electron-beam Lithography (Zeiss EVO MA-10 with Raith ELPHY Quantum)

Scanning Electron Microscopy & Electron-beam Lithography
(Zeiss Sigma with Raith ELPHY Quantum)

Inductively Coupled Plasma Etching (Oxford Instrument Plasmalab System100)

Inductively Coupled Plasma Etching (Oxford Instruments PlasmaPro 100 Cobra)

Soft Plasma Etching (Moorfield nanoETCH)

UHV Physical Vapour Deposition (Magnetron Sputtering & Electron-beam Evaporation) (PREVAC)

Electron-beam Physical Vapour Deposition (Moorfield MiniLab 080)

Thermal Evaporation (Moorfield MiniLab)
Magnetron Sputtering (AJA Orion)

Raman Spectroscopy (Horiba XploRA PLUS)

Atomic Force Microscopy (Asylum Research Cypher S)

Atomic Force Microscopy (Bruker Dimension Icon & FastScan)

Cryogenic Scanning Tunneling Microscopy
(RHK PanScan Freedom)

Cryo-Free Cryostat with Superconducting Magnet
Cryo-Free Dilution Refrigerator